
Auto Accident: What To Do When You Can’t Tolerate Pain Medications

Many car accident victims rely on traditional medications and treatments to overcome their pain and suffering. But some adults can't tolerate the strong effects of aspirin, sedatives, and other types of drugs. Other individuals may worry about the long-term side effects certain types of medications will have on their bodies, minds, and spirits. If you can't tolerate traditional pain medications for any of the reasons above, try the non-medicated alternatives below. Read More 

Groin Pulls In Athletic Boys

If you have boys, you know just how active they can be. Typically, boys just shake it off when they get hurt roughhousing and playing. Boys who participate in organized sports are even more likely to downplay any injuries. They don't want to be benched, and their competitive drive and adrenaline can fuel their will to play through the pain. Even the coaches and their teammates may try to downplay an injury. Read More 

If You’re Nervous Before A Gynecologist Visit, Here’s What To Do

When you are taking your first trip to the gynecologist, you might be very nervous. This is a normal emotion, especially when visiting a gynecologist. You don't have to be nervous, but if you are, there are many things you can do to calm your nerves. Do Your Homework Learn about your vagina and vulva before going into the gynecologist. If everything you are told by your gynecologist does not make sense, you will have a more difficult time having a productive conversation. Read More 

What Is The Best Way To Tell If Your Blood Pressure Is Too High?

When you stop in at an urgent care center for treatment, head to the doctor's office for an appointment, or do pretty much anything that involves your health, one of the first things a practitioner will check is your blood pressure. Your blood pressure is used as a tool to monitor what is going on inside of your body, and it can point to all kinds of underlying issues that may not be so present on the outside of the body. Read More 

4 Tips For Healing After Bunion Surgery

There's no doubt dealing with a bunion can be a painful experience. The first thing you'll want to do is get back on your feet and moving forward with your life. The good news is having bunion surgery may be the best way for you to do so. However, being aware of tips that will allow you to recover in the shortest amount of time is sure to be helpful. Read More